
ABC Spanks Spanking

World News with Charles Gibson runs a propaganda piece supporting a proposed ban on the tried and true method of parental discipline.

ABC Highlights Pregnant Cancer Patient Who Rejected Abortion

Shazam! Reasonable treatment of a social issue by a major network twice in the same day!

NBC Misleads about Housing Problems

Network claims 'All 20 Cities' in Decline, but CNN shows 'almost 5 percent' gains in Seattle and Charlotte.

Talking Ourselves into Recession

Despite Federal Reserve's expectations of no recession in 2008, journalists can't get enough of the word.

Another Illegal Immigrant Sob Story

Those lying Feds? "But, to the dismay of many of Greenport's 2,500 residents, the raid here did not match [Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer Julie Myers'] words."

Patrick Healy: Elderly Women Love Hillary

One concern: Will they get over their old-fashioned ideas and vote for a woman president?

A Silver Lining to High Oil Prices

GMA calls foreign investment of oil profits into American businesses an 'unusual source' for U.S. economic relief.

NBC Lobbies for $2.5 Billion in Smithsonian Funding

'Nightly News' implies liberal senator wants money for museum, but even she calls for cuts.

Abstinence Gets Fair Treatment from Today Show

NBC's Meredith Vieira is skeptical, but at least she isn't hostile.

Newsweek Writer Enjoys Atheist Denouncing the Conservative 'Nitwit'

At this point a critic must ask: as much as he enjoyed the denunciation of Donohue, did Gordon check out Pullman's assertion of having no greater agenda than telling a rip-roaring tale? Even ...
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