
Selena's Sickening Standards: Slime Innocent Duke Players, Weep for Guilty Vick

As columnist Selena Roberts moves to Sports Illustrated, her shoddy treatment of the Duke lacrosse players shouldn't be forgotten.

Glamour's Women of the Year Lean Left

Focusing solely on inspirational liberal women short changes conservative women looking for role models.

Hillary's No Moral Conservative

To describe Hillary Clinton as a 'moral conservative' is upside down and backwards.

'Revolutionary' Stem Cell Research Breakthrough Gets Skeptical Treatment from ABC

Holy Grail story gets buried half-way through the newscast.

Less Regulated Approach to Kidney Transplant 'Troubling' and 'Radical' for Evening Broadcast

As the system now stands, individuals have little control over organ donations and transplants.

ABC Exaggerates Thanksgiving Costs to Show Traditional Feast Will Gobble Wallets

Cost of a typical Thanksgiving dinner still a bargain, some say, and when adjusted for inflation, costs are actually down.

Avoiding Atrocity: Times Leaves off Dragging of Troops in Somalia

Whyever would the U.S. have "turned its back on Somalia" in 1993? Jeffrey Gettleman leaves off one reason: The dragging of U.S. soldiers through the streets.

NYT Bows to Reality: "Baghdad Starts to Exhale as Security Improves"

Less than a month ago a lead editorial began: "The news out of Iraq just keeps getting worse."

Brokaw: Washington Post Print Paper 'Probably' Dead in 10 Years

Former NBC anchor told Washington audience newspaper would be digital by 2018.

Post Sugarcoats Thuggery Against Philadelphia Boy Scouts

The Post's description is a classic example of moral equivalence, in which aggressor and victim are co-belligerents.
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