
Krugman's 'Conscience': Economic Woes Caused When 'Southern Whites Started Voting Republican'

N.Y. Times columnist's book 'The Conscience of a Liberal' urges a proactive government to define class structure and create a larger welfare state.

Are You Afraid of the News?

Media treat viewers to terrifying stories about economic crisis, planetary 'peril' and bacterial 'monsters' and it's not even Halloween yet.

CNN Predicts Possible 'Century of Fires' Due to Global Warming

Anderson Cooper and Tom Foreman warn that global warming may be to blame for Southern California fires.

Times Goes Easy on Rep. Stark's Despicable Comments on Bush, Iraq

Liberal Rep. Pete Stark unleashed more despicable comments, sliming U.S. troops as murderers and George W. Bush as a monster, but the Times soft-pedaled the offense while noting Stark "will ...

Editorial Page In Denial Over Good News in Iraq

"The news out of Iraq just keeps getting worse," the lead editorial blares. Does that "news" include the 70% reported drop in violence since the end of June?

'Easily Terrified, Mindless Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian Lemmings'

Columnist links religious belief and 'dumber than dirt' generation of teens.

Dumbledoring Down the Culture

A Culture and Media Institute review of 125 stories on Nexis from Friday through Tuesday turned up only one source – an online Scottish edition of The Express – that included a single critic of ...

Washington Post, USA Today Favor Liberal's Plan to Regulate Mortgages

Newspapers showcase Rep. Barney Frank's plan to further 'control' the industry, virtually ignore criticism and opposition.

Moyers Gives Liberal Author 40 Minutes to Bash Blackwater in Interview

PBS host conducts one-sided interview devoid of objectivity with Jeremy Scahill, longtime critic of private military contractors.

"How Dirty Did the Tricks Get?" Times Swallows All Valerie Plame's Claims

In a review of Valerie Plame's new book, Janet Maslin doesn't raise any questions about the former CIA employee or her husband, anti-war misleader Joseph Wilson.
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