
Media Worry About Another Black Monday

Journalists compare current economic times to worst stock market drop in U.S. history.

Boston Legal Writers Attack 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy

ABC delivers liberal propaganda in the guise of entertainment.

Gore: Universal Health Care a 'Right'

Nobel Peace Prize winner posts video over weekend calling for health care as an American right.

CNN Presents the Fear-Based Economy:

Time's Karen Tumulty questions Reagan's economic record.

ABC, CBS Change Tune and Recognize Woes of Social Security

Networks show improved coverage, but where were they in Spring 2005 when it was the 'hot-button' issue?

Frank Rich's "Gestapo" Tactics

"Our humanity has been compromised by those who use Gestapo tactics in our war. The longer we stand idly by while they do so, the more we resemble those 'good Germans' who professed ignorance of ...

Audience Likes Bush, Times Amazed - Part XI

"The friendly audience in northwest Arkansas - not a single questioner criticized Mr. Bush - is typical of such let-Bush-be-Bush events...."

Media Covers Innocuous Education Stories, Skips Incendiary Stories

It's nice to hear good news for a change, but we also need to know about schools becoming radical indoctrination centers, or handing out the pill to junior high students.

Disney Bleeps GOD from Ten Commandments Movie Ad

Who do they think chose Moses -- Tinkerbell?

CBS Sounds Stock-Market Crash Alarm

'Evening News' uses faulty comparisons to suggest the possibility of a Black Monday-like crash.
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