
In Financial Times Interview, Barney Frank Says Business and Government Should 'Help' Each Other

Democratic House financial services committee chairman pushes for economic 'equity' over freedom and prosperity.

Cooper vs. Condi: NYT Smacks Rice Around

In an unsympathetic evaluation, reporter Helene Cooper promoted the view that "as national security adviser [Condoleezza Rice] largely served as a rubber stamp for a series of foreign policy ...

More Advocacy for U.S. Muslims from Reporter Neil MacFarquhar

MacFarquhar quotes Muslim Rep. Keith Ellison decrying "bigoted attacks" from two GOP Representatives - but fails to mention Ellison's comparison of 9-11 to the Reichstag Fire.

"Severe Cutbacks in Funding" During Reagan Years to Blame for Product-Related Deaths?

A bias toward bureaucracy in Eric Lipton's front-page story: "...the Bush-appointed commissioners voiced few objections as the already tiny agency - now just 420 workers - was pared almost to the ...

'World News' Portrays Businessman as Carbon Abuser

A behind-the-scenes look at an ABC global warming segment from one of its participants.

ABC News Anchor Admits Media Irresponsibility, Bias on Duke Rape Case

Chris Cuomo: Be careful what you hear from the media.

CNBC Reporter Reacts Negatively to Bush's Housing Proposal

Olick's tells viewers it's not enough help from the government.

Cancer Society Veers to the Left: a "Nonpartisan" Tilt?

New ads pushing government-mandated "access" are not presented as liberal or socialist, but as a sensibly pragmatic solution to reducing the cancer death rate

Networks Ignore Higher Than Expected GDP Growth

As broadcasts leave out economic growth, The Wall Street Journal spins the 4 percent growth with a negative prediction.

Obama Wants More Regulation, But Experts Beg To Differ

Candidate wants 'fly-by-night' lenders regulated and fined, but free market economists propose a different solution: let the market work.
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