
Reporter Lectures Maliki for Criticizing Hillary, Buries Good News from Iraq

James Glanz: "But Mr. Maliki appeared to reach a new level of stridency with his reply to Senator Clinton, of New York, and Senator Levin, of Michigan."

MSNBC Promotes 'My Bad Boss' Contest for AFL-CIO

Anchor says customers might get 'placenta' instead of pepperoni on their pizza because of evil employers.

"Ever Upbeat" Bush Deluded in His Iraq War Optimism

Steven Lee Myers: "'We are still in the early stages of our new operations,' Mr. Bush said in the radio address broadcast Saturday, as if there were not those who fervently wished the country was ...

ABC Attacks Bush for Threat To 'Cut' Children's Health Insurance

'World News' misrepresents president's promised veto as a funding cut, ignoring $5 billion expansion.

Is President Bush Anti-Child, as ABC Suggests?

Still no mention of abortion or abstinence in coverage of the SCHIP bill, which would replace parental responsibility with government responsibility for children's health insurance.

NYT: Hopes for Iraq "Dim" and "Grim" - Other Outlets Takes More Mixed View

From Mark Mazzetti's lead story: "The assessment, known as a National Intelligence Estimate, casts strong doubts on the viability of the Bush administration strategy in Iraq.

Frank Rich on "the Dark Heart of Rovian Republicanism"

What you've been missing since Times Select took away free access to Frank Rich's liberal rants.

Universal Health Care: CBS Reporter Says Mass. Is a 'Great Start'

Correspondent blogs 'what's great about the plan' Mitt Romney installed - even though Romney himself is distancing his campaign from it.

The "Domineering," "Bombastic" Mine Owner That Doesn't Believe in Global Warming

The Times uses name-calling on Robert Murray, owner of the Utah mine that collapsed - and drags in his disbelief in global warming dogma.

Liberal Economist Urges Government to Seize Private Homes

Property rights movement finds progressives are as big a threat as Supreme Court.
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