
TIME Falsely Claims the Abortion Pill is 'Safe'

Report ignores evidence that abortion is linked to numerous health and safety risks, and that the abortion pill may be even more psychologically devastating than surgical abortion. Also, what ...

ABC News Promotes Bisexuality for Young Women

No mention of moral qualms or health risks, just 'true sexuality.'

Out This Weekend: High School Musical 2

The squeaky-clean first movie was a smash hit. When will Hollywood learn that films without sex and obscene language frequently sell like hotcakes?

The World According to the TV Critics

Showtime's new series, Californication, blatantly and obscenely blasphemes Christianity and insults the Catholic Church – and not a single major media critic even notices.

Two Shows Shift Focus from Airlines to Government's Problems with Air Travel

CNN and ABC cite problems with FAA on reports that they will enforce new guidelines.

Media Bash Mattel for Chinese Production but Ignore Consumer Benefits

Cost of manufacturing goods in the United States would affect prices and availability of many products.

Partisan Sniping Over Minnesota Bridge Collapse

"Still, Mr. Pawlenty's fiercest critics said they wondered whether the governor was hoping to turn attention toward a new bridge in the coming months and away from an investigation into why the ...

The Times' Muslim-Beat Reporter Again Goes to Bat for CAIR

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has a reliable friend in reporter Neil MacFarquhar.

Women's Magazine Judges Carbon Sins

Media solution for bad carbon behavior is taxation

Ups and Downs on Wall Street Send Journalists Panicking

Frightened media worry about 'another Black Monday,' recession and 'Armageddon,' but experts remain more collected.
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