
Don't Use the 'A' Word

Media tout condom use, ignore increase in abstinence to explain record low teen birth rate.

Irresponsibility and the Internet

Miss New Jersey pays a price for juvenile shenanigans.

CBS Attacks Banks for Profiting from Overdraft Fees

'Evening News' accuses industry of 'cashing in' and downplays personal responsibility.

'World News' Ga-Ga Over Penguin Protection

ABC supports effort of eco-extremists to add penguins to endangered list, to stop global warming.

Save NYC from Flooding: Stock up on Fluorescent Light Bulbs!

The Times promotes another apocalyptic global warming study by the left-wing activist group Union of Concerned Scientists.

CBS: Recycling Might Be a Deadly Problem

Increased transport of scrap materials causing '25,000 accidents a year.'

Finding the "Religious Right" in Pakistan, but No Liberals in San Francisco

Somini Sengupta: The Red Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan, the source of a violent battle between government forces and Islamic extremists, is "the fiery epicenter of Pakistan's religious right."

Ads and Condoms and Pigs

CBS and Fox say no to broadcasting Trojan's racy new condom ads -- but what about the rest of their programming?

USA Today Promotes Stricter Food Labeling

Newspaper cites radical food groups, but downplays cost and trade implications.

Journalists Contribute to Power Gridlock

Media now worry whether there's enough energy to keep cool, but they've opposed nuclear, coal and more.
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