
CNN's Gupta Battles Moore about 'SiCKO' Stats

Medical expert: Moore 'cherry picked' 'SiCKO' data. Filmmaker complains, though both are Democratic donors.

What Hurt McCain Campaign Most, Iraq or Amnesty? Times Can't Decide

The Times changes its emphasis on precisely what issue is killing John McCain's presidential campaign.

Stolberg Revels in Bush's Fade, Says Press Fears What Liberal Bloggers Think

Does the White House press corps take its cues from liberal bloggers? "Yet with the White House press corps under attack from liberal bloggers as being too cozy with the Bush administration, some ...

Fred Thompson's "Trophy Wife"

Susan Saulny answers the question no one is asking: "Is America ready for a president with a trophy wife? The question may seem sexist, even crass, but serious people - as well as Mr. Thompson's ...

Beating around the Bush

New York Times, Associated Press use former Surgeon General's charges of censorship to bash Bush, fail to report that Clinton did it too.

Vitter's Prostitution Scandal: One Network Seeks the Lesson, Another Slams an Ideological Enemy

ABC twists the knife in Vitter, while CNN explores changing public expectations of politicians and morality.

'World News' Hits the (Water) Bottle Again

For the second night, ABC targets the bottled water industry's impact on the environment.

Times Public Editor Again Snipes at Times : From the Left

Clark Hoyt warns the Times against excessive faith in Bush's claims about Al Qaeda in Iraq.

Moore Blitzes Blitzer, Demands Apology from CNN

Filmmaker attacks network for corporate funding, and 'fudging' facts on the 'Situation Room.'

Senator Confesses 'Sin,' Accepts Responsibility

The behavior was inexcusable, but Vitter refuses to shift the blame.
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