
Washington Post Glows: 'Left-leaning' PR Firm Working Toward 'Progressive' Agenda

Post treats activist David Fenton, who once helped spread the Alar pesticide scare, with great care - unlike paper's treatment of conservative PR executive.

Simplistic Conservatives vs. "Complex," "Nuanced" Supporters of Immigration Bill

Jim Rutenberg falls back on a liberal conceit: "Conservative opponents can use one word, amnesty, against the bill. Supporters, the president included, are forced into the complex weeds of policy ...

Lou Dobbs, "Heir to the Nativist Tradition" Against Mexicans

David Leonhardt fact-checks the CNN anchor with a vengeance - but could the Times itself withstand similar scrutiny?


Irresponsible steroid use by pro athletes leads to invasive Texas law.

Gas Prices Falling, but Where Are the Stories?

USA Today reports the decline, but networks are lagging behind.

Media Spread Suspicion of Gas 'Gouging'

Record gas prices prompt journalists' support for more price gouging investigations, vague legislation.

Defending "Useful Provocateur" Rosie O'Donnell's WTC 7 Conspiracy Theory

Jim Dwyer on O'Donnell's 9-11 Conspiracy Noodling: " any fair accounting, an often useful provocateur has left the building....she opened debates with others about terrorism, peace and ...

Poor Sen. Kyl "Vilified" by "Angry," "Ferocious" Right for Immigration Bill

But does only one side of the amnesty debate vilify its opponents? A signed editorial calls anti-amnesty conservatives "un-American" and "the loud and loony right."

Bush's Memorial Day Speech: At Least not as "Bellicose" as Cheney's

Stolberg faintly praised Bush for avoiding his "now-familiar refrain" on Iraq, but Cheney was "sharp and at times bellicose" in defense of the war.

The Times Marks Memorial Day In Its Own Slanted Way

For Memorial Day, the Times called pro-war soldiers "true believers," ignored soldiers' deaths in Afghanistan, and accused Bush once again of not attending soldiers' funerals.
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