
The Revolving Rehab Door

The cult of celebrity. The politics of victimhood. Narcissism. All speak to a complete lack of personal responsibility. And all serve as great fodder for readers hungry to peek into the messed ...

Surprise Moral Lesson from Cannes: Film Festival Honors Virtue, Snubs Hollywood

Have American movies become too lewd even for France?

Rosie Bails Out Three Weeks Early

Feisty talker couldn't face the heat after calling U.S. troops terrorists.

CNN Heroes: Focusing the Spotlight on Personal Responsibility and Traditional Values

By promoting such stories and the people behind them CNN has set an inspirational tone that may inspire others to similar acts of everyday heroism.

Questioning Michael Moore's Math

Times correspondent Anthony DePalma granted points to Cuba for "universal" health care, but found a lot to question in Michael Moore's thick praise of the Cuban health system in his film "Sicko."

The Left Eats Its Own

Times art critic Holland Cotter disparaged the Whitney Museum's new "Summer of Love" exhibit for racism, sexism, and commercialism. He only could applaud the anti-Americanism.

Julia Preston vs. Strange Anger

At a Council on Foreign Relations event, Times reporter Julia Preston described a strange anger in the land against immigration, because "Americans don't understand it."

Michael Moore as Dan Rather?

Entertainment Weekly cover boy claims anti-industry movie 'Sicko' is journalism.

Kaus on Fire Over NYT's Bad Immigration Polling

Slate's Mickey Kaus: "That NYT -CBS poll purporting to show support for the Kyl-Kennedy semi-amnesty isn't as bad as I realized. It's worse!"

Amnesty Good, Tax Cuts Bad

In 2007, the Times used its poll to push for passage of an immigration "reform" bill. But in 2001, its poll stories tried to explain away public support for Bush's tax cuts.
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