
Fortune: American Business 'Respectable' Again Because of Liberal Choices

Magazine declares the era of 'shamed' business is over, thanks to companies going green and endorsing nationalized health care.

Times Ignores Anti-War, Anti-Bush Rants of Arabic School Leader

"Where some see a bridge between cultures, others see an 'Islamist agenda.'" Guess which one the Times thinks you should see?

Meet the New Public Editor, Same as the Old Public Editor?

Bill Keller praised new Public Editor Clark Hoyt's old newspaper chain for its skepticism over the war in Iraq.

Time's 100 'Most Influential' Loaded with Little Green Men (and Women)

Eco-tastic celebs, politicians and even CEOs make the magazine's list.

Verizon Connects Customers to Raunchy Rapper

It doesn't get any more hypocritical than a recording company using federal law to stifle free speech critical of its lewd and lascivious rapper while wrapping the First Amendment around him.

ABC and CBS Give No Credit to Novartis

Evening broadcasts praise 'promising' drug for osteoporosis without naming the manufacturer.

Crowd Likes Bush - Times In Disbelief

"Softball Season" for Bush, whines the Times, after the president appears before a friendly crowd: "...some onetime allies voice worry about the White House creating the impression that he is ...

French Election Watch: Reporter Sciolino Still Doesn't Like Conservative Sarkozy

"Mr. Sarkozy had to avoid looking like a sexist bully; Ms. Royal had to prove herself presidential....Mr. Sarkozy, the former interior and finance minister, had to fight off the demon that has ...

Russell Simmons' Solutions

Simmons declared, I think that children, and parents, and everyone else who doesn't really understand the hip-hop community should have a choice....we want people to choose what they want. And if ...

ABC World News Uses Scary Footage to Push Hate Crimes Bill

News report avoids the real story: the House hate crimes vote.
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