
CBS Omits Subsidies Behind Rising Corn Demand

Report on agricultural 'gold rush' neglects to explain massive taxpayer funding behind ethanol.

Times Ignores Errors in Duke "Rape"-Hoax Coverage

The Times has yet to correct its false timeline of the incident, even while quoting the North Carolina Attorney General's report that shows it's wrong.

CBS Praises Aflac CEO for Shareholder Vote on Pay

Report criticizes executive pay packages, laments pending legislation wouldn't help.

Sen. Chris Dodd, a "Happy Warrior" Democrat in a "Joyous Orbit"

Reporter Mark Leibovich isn't quite as kind to conservative Republicans as he is to liberal Democrats like Sen. Dodd.

CNN's Wastler Backs $1 Gas Tax Hike

Reporter suggests how to keep government 'In the Money': with $4-a-gallon gas.

The Supreme Court's "Galling" Decision on Partial-Birth Abortion

A member of the Times' editorial board (and former director of the New York Civil Liberties Union) says the Supreme Court's ruling on the Partial Birth Abortion Act uses "junk science" and has an ...

California Muslims "Haunted" by Terror Case

Neil MacFarquhar on a Muslim community in Lodi that was home to a man convicted of providing material support for terrorism: "The tide of fear rolled in and has never quite receded..." Fear of the ...

Times Asks "...Has the Weather Been Stranger Than Usual?"

A Times' poll assumes "global warming" is happening and caused by human activity like driving.

CNN Doc: We Need More Food Handouts for the Obese

Sanjay Gupta worries about welfare program's 'Nutrition at Risk' during 'American Morning.'

Virginia Tech Massacre Only Happened Because of the "Gun Lobby"

"It is the gun lobby's incessant efforts to weaken the gun laws that makes a tragedy like the one at Virginia Tech possible."
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