
The Public Editor Tackles His Paper's Shoddy Duke Lacrosse Coverage

Barney Calame keeps the gloves on in his criticism of the paper, but does offer some insights (and some mea culpas) about why the paper was so willing to think there was a rape case to be made. ...

Are "Cuts in Welfare" Risking Lives of Poor Infants?

Reporter Erik Eckholm finds a familiar culprit for an increase in black infant mortality in Mississippi: "The setbacks have raised questions about the impact of cuts in welfare and ...

Post Forgets Democrats Supported Alternative Minimum Tax

AMT story cites nine sources about 'new rules,' but only two Republicans

'Soft Porn' in the Sunday Washington Post

Under the guise of promoting feminist art, the Arts section of the April 22 Washington Post featured four images of nude or partially nude women and suggested that pornography is aesthetic.

CS Monitor Favors Mower Regulation

New EPA mandate earns 'thanks' from newspaper writer.

Whitewater Prosecutor Ken Starr, "As Distant a Figure As Nero"

Liberal conventional wisdom on Bill Clinton's Whitewater scandal, in the Travel Section, no less.

Linda Greenhouse Loses Her Abortion Balance

After keeping them under wraps yesterday, Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse discreetly waves her pro-abortion colors in a "news analysis."

Why Abstinence Education 'Fails'

The authorities charged with implementing the abstinence-only curriculum don't like it, don't believe in it, and have done everything in their power to ensure that it should fail.

Drop the Scare Quotes – Call It Partial-Birth Abortion

The next time you hear a reporter use the term so-called 'partial birth abortion,' or the procedure that opponents call 'partial birth abortion,' keep in mind that he's making an editorial comment ...

Not with My Kid: Opting Out of Virginia's Mandated 'Cancer' Vaccine

If lawmakers really want to fight cancer with HPV vaccinations, they would mandate it for older girls, not pre-teens going into sixth grade.
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