MRC Business

The Economy is at Cliff's Edge

We're looking into an abyss the media won't talk about and Obama won't do anything about.

Zero Percent Interest Rate: Networks Barely Mention Housing Finance Conference

ABC, CBS, and NBC spend more time on fedora sales than conference; print outlets echo calls for increased government role.

Media Hype and Corporate Health Ads are Finger Lickin' Bad for Business

Media hype health food, yet KFC, Wendy's struggle with grilled chicken, salad promotions.

Colmes Blogger: Churches' 'Free Ride' Should End

Wolfrum complains America 'riddled with religion,' losing potential income from tax-exempt orgs.

Cenk Uygur's Pitchfork Populism: Raise Taxes Because of Income Disparity

'Young Turks' host advocates 'mandatory' charity in the form of what he deems is a 'reasonable tax rate.'

WaPo's Frank Ahrens Suggests Krugman, Kudlow as Potential Romer Replacements

Columnist makes case for chair of White House Council of Economic Advisers candidates including two media personalities at opposite ends of political spectrum.

'Nightly News' Skips Social Security's 75th, Highlights Children's Cartoon

Kate Snow reports on 'ground-breaking' Dora the Explorer tenth anniversary, ignores government program deeply in debt.

'60 Minutes' Refuels Coal Ash Attacks, Omit Government Culpability

Leslie Stahl questions 'industry' disposal methods when state and federal regulations govern coal ash.

GMA Ignores Parents' Responsibility for Flying Kids

Morning show blames airline industry, kids for unaccompanied flight to Nashville.

Missing Parents: Media Continue Claiming Kids the Ones Buying Fast Food

USA Today cites data on 'each kid who buys a kids meal' when parents are usually making the purchase.
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