MRC Business

16,000 Birthday Wishes from Obama to His Favorite Person ... Obama

President's speeches show he puts the 'I' in narcissist, but media don't seem to notice.

The Obama Economy: Cash-out and Cover for Many Businesses

Even Mickey Mouse is playing Scrooge McDuck in this certainty-starved political economy.

The Erin Burnett Plan: Make General Motors IPO Shares Available to Taxpayers

CNBC 'Street Signs' host offers bailed out automaker a way for American taxpayers to share in their potential future prosperity.

The Ed Schultz Fallacy: Ending Bush Tax Cuts Won't Hurt Economy

MSNBC talking head believes we can tax our way to economic prosperity.

AP Cites Discredited NOAA Bureaucrat to Push Global Warming Alarmism Report

Science Writer plays up climate threat, including questionable claim of warming-driven Mexican migration to U.S.

Media Parrot White House Spin on Auto Bailout as Unemployment Rises

ABC, CBS tout 'good news' in Michigan, ignore more out-of-work residents. Touts Liberal-Authored Paper as Evidence of Stimulus Success

Being a liberal economis means never having to say you were wrong.

Video: Unemployment Fight Shows Media Will Help Liberals Protect Their Jobs

Journalists criticize GOP for obstructing 'relief' bill, despite pay-as-you-go promises from Dems.

The Golden Witch Hunt: Left-Wing, Mainstream Media Target Gold Advertisers

Precious metal sponsors of conservative-leaning TV and radio programming are facing increased scrutiny from media and liberal politicians.
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