MRC Business

Herman Cain Floated as 2012 Presidential Candidate by Politics Daily

BMI national chairman hailed as especially potent force' among conservatives.

NY Times Highlights Return to Financial Regulation

Newspaper spins 'sweeping expansion of financial regulation,' as reassertion of 'supervision' after 'era of hands-off optimism.'

Van Jones: 'Higher Energy Costs Are Unavoidable'

Former green jobs czar join Soros headlining liberal event, argues for 'dramatically more' than $80 billion in spending.

Attacks on Business Fill Newsweek's List of 'Best Business Literature'

List includes books bashing Murdoch, hedge-fund managers, boards of directors, and capitalism; excludes free market proponents.

ClimateGate 'Whitewash' Helps 'Clear' Scientists, U.S., International Media Claim

Lefties complain about lack of media coverage of Muir Russell report, critics point out study was commissioned by university under review.

Columbia University President Champions 'More Public Funding' for Media

Head of school that includes prestigious journalism program warns against 'trusting the market alone' for news coverage.

Doomsday Seed Trip Emits 24,300+ lb. Carbon Footprint

Bipartisan delegation creates more carbon in one 'global warming' trip than average person generates annually.

AP: How Dare Steinbrenner Die in 2010

Less than 24 hours after baseball boss' death, newswire decries suspended estate tax, heirs' 'unexpected bonanza'

CNN Money Promotes 'Other Kinds of Government Assistance'

Report advertises federal aid, downplays individual spirit in addressing unemployment.
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