MRC Business

AP Hits Republican Obstructionist Pinata for Rejected Senate Jobs Bill

Wire service notes Democratic leaders 'bent over backwards' for Republicans but barely mentions Republican reasoning for vote.

Santelli's Simple Answer to Deficit: 'Stop Spending, Stop Spending, Stop Spending!'

CNBC CME Group floor reporter argues with senior economics reporter Steve Liesman that government can't tax the nation into prosperity.

Krugman Tries to Scare Up More Government Spending with 'Third Depression' Rhetoric

Liberal NY Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner calls European austerity measures 'victory of an orthodoxy that has little to do with rational analysis.'

'American Morning' Asks Expert 'What's Wrong' With Shutting Down Oil Drilling for 'Four More Months'

CNN Fill-in anchor Carol Costello claims to be playing 'devil's advocate' in tough interview with oil expert Tom Bower.

Dear NY Times: Is Krugman a Luddite?

If China's monetary policy hurts American employment by lowering cost of goods, wouldn't better U.S. technology also hurt jobs because they lower cost and labor needs?

Santelli, Kudlow: Obama-Style Bailout/Keynesian Economics Not Working

CNBC personalities explain $787-billion stimulus not implemented correctly and only creating 70 cents of GDP for every dollar.

CNBC's Santelli Warns U.S. 'Could End Up Worse than Japan' and 'Lost Decade'

Network CME Group floor reporter explains Keynesian tactics could lead to potential Greek austerity situation, but U.S. position with a reserve currency complicates problems.

USA Today Cheers Proposed Financial Protection Agency

Newspaper offers 'keys to a new agency's success' list, includes little opposition.

Media-Backed Obama Mortgage Program Flops

Broadcast networks supported homeowner bailout even as 'hiccups' in system were exposed.
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