MRC Business

Facebook CEO Defends Company in ABC Interview, Advocates Democracy

Diane Sawyer, Bill Weir fill report with anti-business sentiment; Mark Zuckerberg says 'when you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.'

Unemployment Fight Shows Media Will Help Liberals Protect Their Jobs

Journalists criticize GOP for obstructing 'relief' bill, despite pay-as-you-go promises from Dems.

AP Touts Stimulus in German Recovery, Ignores Tax Cuts

Newswire cites 'various government measures,' fails to mention lower tax rates.

CBS's Attkisson Finally Exposes Fannie Mae's Dirty Laundry

Investigation reveals more than 153 VIP loans, 'back scratching' between GSE, Countrywide

Newsweek Mocks 'Poor Little CEO's,' Attacks Private Sector

Daniel Gross uses 'blame Bush' rhetoric to denounce business leader jobs summit.

NPR Mourns Global Cooler-Turned-Global Warmer Scientist

IPCC climate scientist Stephen Schneider remembered on 'All Things Considered' by controversial Obama science adviser John Holdren.

Lifetime Movie: Prostitution the Answer to Tough Economy

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt empathizes with women who have 'no choice' but to sell sex to make ends meet.

2010 Heats Up News Hype over Global Warming

Morning shows, USA Today focus on 'record' heat; offer dire predictions about droughts, floods and snowfall.

Newsweek's Clift: U.S. Won't Face Greek Debt Tragedy 'Because We Can Print Money'

'McLaughlin Group' panel, excluding Clift, all warn that U.S. debt a problem to be concerned with.
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