MRC Business

ClimateGate Shows Attempted 'Manipulation' of Peer Review Process

Journalists bolstered warming 'consensus' with peer review stamp, but e-mails suggest alarmists tried to prevent review of skeptics' work.

ClimateGate Held Hostage: Day 13

Evening news shows on NBC, CBS and ABC continue to give leaked e-mails between global warming alarmists the silent treatment.

Schultz Uses Questionable Foreclosure Data to Blast Bachmann Voting Record

MSNBC host relies on Minnesota-specific data to blast congresswoman's voting record on quasi-housing related legislation.

12 Days, 3 Networks and No Mention of ClimateGate Scandal

Even as Copenhagen looms, broadcast news ignores e-mails suggesting warming alarmists 'manipulated' data, conspired to destroy information and thwarted peer reviews.

White House Plays Media Critic, Part II: VP's Economist Attacks Wall Street Journal

Bernstein cries foul over WSJ's editorial page, despite the $787-billion stimulus' failure to keep unemployment under 10 percent.

The Apocalypse, Space Aliens, Vampires and Unbiased Journalists

Americans believe three out of the four, but know one is a fantasy.

Dr. Dean's Admitted Socialism

Socialists unmask themselves and the media pretend not to notice.

Imus: Obama is 'Jimmy Carter Stupid' Regarding Wall Street and Economy

Nationally syndicated radio and Fox Business morning show host blasts administrations economic policy advisers.
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