MRC Business

Chuck Norris: Obama Wants 'To Create a One World Order' at Copenhagen Climate Talks

Actor insists U.S. participation in global warming negotiations an attempt to 'to take our money and send it to third-world countries.'

16 Percent Unemployment or Worse, On Its Way

Think things are bad now? Wait until the government has its way with health care.

President Endorses 'Health Care' Bill and Violates Tax Pledge

House bill includes tax hikes on people making less than $250,000; networks say nothing.

Econ 101: Do We Need a New Theory of Market Stability?

Newsweek editor argues against free markets, but evidence suggests regulation was to blame for economic collapse.

NY Times' Kristof, MSNBC's Snyderman Hype the Bisphenol A Boogeyman

Left-leaning media voices hype threats of substance based on tenuous circumstantial similarities and 'soft science.'

CMI Commentary: On Ft. Hood, Media and Elites Refuse to Deal with Reality – Again.

From the 'black rage' defense 16 years ago to 'pre-traumatic stress,' a society that excuses mass murder and worries over 'backlash' is ill.

ABC Airs Fantasy About Impact of House Health Care Bill

Chief medical editor tells viewers the great things the bill will accomplish 'right away,' ignores future cost of mandates.

Unemployment Surges to 10.2 Percent, CNN Asks About Need for Second Stimulus

'American Morning' shares latest job numbers, inquires about stimulus 2.0 and refuses to point out failure of initial stimulus.

GMA Frets About 'Greenwashing'

Darned if they do ... GMA worries about companies putting 'green' labels on products.
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