MRC Business

CNN Finds 'Capitalist' Lesson in Trick-or-Treating

Business correspondent praises economic lessons of the holiday, condemns redistribution of Halloween candy.

Dear WSJ: Congressional Oversight is No Accountability

Politicians report to special interests, not the public.

Edmunds Says Program Cost Taxpayers $24,000 per Clunker reports cost of government program that media praised as 'too successful.'

FCC Goes Left to Analyze Future of Journalism

Chairman appoints liberal Beliefnet president who said McCain was trying to make Obama look like Antichrist.

MSNBC's Maddow Hypocrisy: Bashes Opinion Journalist John Stossel for Advocacy

'Rachel Maddow Show' host claims newly branded Fox Biz host's activist role disqualifies Fox from being considered 'news' despite her own activist endeavors.

Networks Aid Obama's War on Insurers' Profits

During heated battle over health care 'reform,' only 17 percent of reports point out that insurance companies don't make obscene profits like liberals say.

Eco-nuts, al Qaeda Hate Civilization Equally

So how come the media pretend environmentalists are some sort of do-gooders?

Then They Came for the Newspapers

Those looking for a media bailout are delusional if they believe they'll maintain independence.

CNBC's Kudlow Rips MSNBC for Lack of Balance; Calls for Supply-Side Solutions for Economy

'The Kudlow Report' host reacts to comments from Barney Frank on MSNBC's 'The Ed Show' who insisted larger government is good, but has a bad name after Katrina.
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