MRC Business

CNBC Guest Host Explains How TARP is Driving Up Oil Prices

Richard Bernstein explains how bailout money is being used for loans fueling oil speculation.

Beck Exposes 'Cash for Clunkers' Language Giving Feds Authority to Take Control of Computers

Fox News legal analyst Kimberly Guilfoyle warns it gives government authority to track computers 'basically forever.'

'World News' Shows How Environmental Regulations Backfire

ABC segment on what happens to U.S. post-consumer electronic waste shows problem of unintended consequences.

CNBC Goes into 'Crisis' Mode at Height of ObamaCare Debate

Network dedicates three-hour morning show 'Squawk Box' to discussing health care, adds accompanying 'crisis' coverage throughout the day.

CNN Spotlights Criticism of ObamaCare -- From the Left

Jim Acosta interviews Obama's former doctor who says health care plan 'doesn't go far enough,' ignores other voices.

Newsweek, ABC Cheer End of Recession, But Economists, Politicians Remain Divided

Even President Obama caught off guard by magazine claim.

Health Care Facts Not In Evidence

Lies and fallacies do not sound policy make.

ABC: The All-ObamaCare Network

'The View' allows Dr. Tim Johnson to promote government-run health plan.

5 Reasons Journalists Love Higher Gas Prices

Media show they are in the tank for left-wing ideals against ordinary citizens.

GOP Congressman Calls Nation's vanden Heuvel on Misusing Capitalist Concepts

Rep. Paul Ryan won't let MSNBC get away with using 'free market rhetoric' to promote an anti-market proposal.
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