MRC Business

The Peasants Are Revolting

Elites in politics, journalism discover that people have the power and the world is changing.

N.Y. Congressman Pushes 'Medicare-for-all' on 'Morning Joe'

'Morning Joe' fails to note problems in claim there is no need for private insurers.

NBC's Snyderman Redefines 'Binge' as Two Drinks

In 'Nightly News' report, standard binge benchmark isn't good enough for Peacock doc.

NBC Doc Agrees with Howard Dean: No Reform without Public Option

'Morning Joe' debates health reform, NBC and Fortune journalists favor government plan.

CNN's 'Explainer' on Health Care Makes a Big Mistake

Whether on TV or the Web, network can't get number of uninsured correct.

Fox Business Finds Doctor Who Cut Costs 70 Percent, Without Government

Dr. Kent Holtorf argues insurance should be only for catastrophic care, urges cash payments for medical services.

Dear NY Times: Right to Worry about ObamaCare

Despite Krugman, there are many reasons to fear the unintended consequences of health 'reform.'

Company on Decision to Pull Ads from Beck TV Show: 'We Do Not Want to be Associated with Hateful Speech'

Sargento vice president of Corporate Communications & Government Relations says pulling advertising not based on political affiliation, but speech.

Vermont Senator Rips Fox News, Demands Progressive TV Network

Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders tells MSNBC 'progressive' media structure lacking, blames struggles of 'civil rights issue' ObamaCare on 'right-wing talk radio.'

Tina Brown Compares People Seeking 'Free' Health Care to Katrina Victims

Daily Beast editor tells 'Morning Joe' photos of thousands in line for treatment speak louder than town halls.
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