MRC Business

Schultz, Huffington: Obama Should Use Kennedy Death to Promote Left-Wing Politics

Liberal MSNBC host and HuffPo founder argue less than a day after senator's death to use it as a 'rallying cry for progressives.'

Rush, Beck Warn Obama Administration Trying to Bring Country to Its Knees

Limbaugh insists economic crisis manufactured to push crisis mode; Beck explains MSNBC is a view of future under Obama.

Newsweek Editor Plays Psychiatrist -- Links Health Care Opponents to Saddam-9/11 Theorists

Magazine's Sharon Begley rationalizes a large part of opposition to ObamaCare is from a distortion of 'mental processes.'

Health Care Co-ops: Just another Public Option

National media ignore Reid, Baucus' co-op comparisons to government plan and similarities to HillaryCare.

Media Have 'Special Interest' in Pushing Health Care Reform

Obama and journalists complain the president is fighting some fictional opposition to boost his standing.

Matthews: Obama Not Getting Enough Love for Economic 'Comeback'

'Hardball' host perplexed why president isn't being celebrated for stock market rally, easing economic bad news.

Front Page to Back Page to No Page: the Outrage That Went Away

The administration arbitrarily and unaccountably closed auto dealerships, and the media quickly lost interest.

HBO's Maher: Americans too 'Stupid' so President Should Force ObamaCare into Law

'Real Time' host on health care battle says Sen. Baucus 'Needs to wake up tomorrow with an intern's head in his bed.'

Dear Wash. Post: 'Antigovernment ideologues' and Stimulus

E. J. Dionne is wrong, many economists opposed stimulus spending.
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