MRC Business

GMA Gives Harrison Ford Platform to Advertise 'Pressing Environmental Issues'

Indiana Jones worships at the temple of eco-doom.

Be Green, Use a Condom -- Dobbs Contends 'High-Bound Orthodoxies' Prevent Theory from Being Mainstream

CNN segment follows up on a story that suggests population control is more effective helping the environment than greenhouse gas reduction.

Desperate for Guests? 'World News' Goes to Rolling Stone's Taibbi for Health Care Segment

Magazine contributing editor, who once said 'guy huffing glue' more sensible than Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, is ABC's 'progressive' voice on health care.

'Nightly News' Focuses on Greenland Melt, Ignores Antarctic Ice Expansion

NBC correspondent goes to Greenland to expose global warming, but expert in segment admits fallibility of climate model predictions.

CNBC's Terranova: Missile Defense Decision Will Send Oil Higher

'Fast Money' panelist explains the Obama decision combined with the Oct. 1 meeting with the Iranians will upset Israel and thus send the price of crude up.

The Media Depression that Wasn't (Even Close)

How the networks conjured 'Hoovervilles' and breadlines to sell Obama's spending.

ACORN Story Grows But Mainstream Media Reluctant to Cover It

A couple of kids with a hidden camera do what the professional 'journalists' have refused to do.

Michael Moore Calls Capitalism 'Legalized Greed'; Serenades Leno Audience

Liberal documentary filmmaker equates democracy with equality and fairness to justify criticism of the wealthy having more.

Where Is The Real Crisis?

Learning from cash-for-clunkers.
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