MRC Business

A Tale of Two Uninsureds: President Changes Number from 46-47 Million to 'Over 30 Million'

Obama tells Congress in joint address there are 'are now more than 30 million American citizens' without insurance, but used 46 million, 47 million earlier.

Bread 'n' Circuses

Looking past Obama's song 'n' dance.

White House Pushes Economic 'Recovery,' Media Spin Jobs Reports

Journalists emphasize 'glimmers of hope' for the economy as unemployment rises to a 26-year-high.

Obama: Out of Frying Pan, Into the Fire

No matter how little media focus they get, president's tough times are getting tougher with nationwide 9-12 events

Cramer Warns Increasing National Debt Could Cause Bear Market in 18 Months

CNBC 'Mad Money' host says congressional spending to going to cause higher taxes and sharp downturn for stocks.

Economists Warn Obamanomics Mistakes Will Worsen Economy; WSJ's Moore Responds

Wall Street Journal editorial board member Stephen Moore says recovery inevitable, but warns Obama economic policy could hurt job growth.

Still Bitter: White House Goes After Santelli Again, but Santelli Fires Back

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs call Santellis anti-housing bailout stance 'disingenuous and not based on the facts' nearly seven months late.

MSNBC Hosts: Inhofe's Obama Criticism Raises Risk of 'Crazy' Person 'Taking Out the President'

Ed Schultz, David Shuster use shows on cable network to attack the Oklahoma senator for criticizing Obama, suggesting he threatens their safety.

CNN Guest Promotes Euro-style Pay Caps

Daily Beast's William Cohan suggests U.S. needs 'backbone' to limit executive compensation.
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