MRC Business

Couric: Obama 'Could Have Done a Better Job Outlining' Health Care

'CBS Evening News' host admits being 'depressed' over health care debate and gridlock; asks why we can't take the Rodney King approached and 'just get along.'

Alarmism: Bill Clinton Says Global Warming Will Lead to More Fighting over Water than Oil

For second night in a row, Letterman Show is used as a platform by a leading Democrat to promote a liberal cause.

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism

Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.

Kooky Ignorance: Michael Moore Claims Wall Street Wants Intentionally High Unemployment

Filmmaker tells Larry King job losses means higher profits for companies; uses claim to promote 'new economic order that is fair.'

'Some Welcome Employment News' -- At Least According To ABC

Obama Administration: 12,000 new jobs, good news. Under Bush: 56,000, not so good.

Behar: Socialism Makes Denmark Happiest Country

'The View' host claims Danes are happiest in the world because of national health care and 'free' college.

Krugman Says Federal Government Didn't Go Far Enough in Exploiting Financial Crisis

N.Y. Times columnist and Nobel winner laments that administration let a crisis go to waste in not nationalizing more of the economy.

Obama Speeches: The 'I's Have It -- Nearly 1,200 Times

Sunday marathon reinforces president's focus on self while the media ignore it.

It Has Come to This

Get Everything. Pay Nothing. The sign of our times.
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