MRC Business

Michael Moore: Foreclosed Homeowners Like Rape Victims

Filmmaker tells Sean Hannity blaming irresponsible borrowers 'like asking a woman how short was your skirt after she's been raped.'

Left, Media Gearing Up to Thwart Limbaugh's NFL Bid

Left-wing organizations, along with MSNBC, CNBC taking shots at the conservative talk show host effort to buy the St. Louis Rams.

GMA Hypes Food Scare with Latest Doom-and-Gloom CSPI Study

Morning show uses one-sided study in hit-piece on food industries.

Maddow's 'Creepy' Reasoning: Blasts GOP Senators for Differing on Obama's Foreign Policy

Host suggests Inhofe, DeMint anti-American for differing with president on global warming, Honduras; neglects similar trips by Democrats during Bush Administration.

Washington Post Says Health Care 'Rationing' Shouldn't be Dirty Word

Staff writer argues U.S. care delivered in 'haphazard, even illogical, way.'

CNBC Guest Says 47,000 Die Annually of Un-insurance

Former Clinton staffer uses dubious statistics to argue for ObamaCare.

'60 Minutes' Condemns Coal Industry, Misses Government Role in TVA Spill

Lesley Stahl attacks coal, tells industry lobbyist people don't 'trust' coal companies.

Analyst: Oil at $55 Near-Term, $175 Long-Term

Deutsche Bank oil analyst marks a comeback of alarmingly high oil predictions.

Ron Paul Warns of Violence from Pending Dollar Crisis; Says Israel Strike on Iran the Trigger

Host Beck says left, media would blame right for 'any kind of violence.'
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