MRC Business

Networks Flip Flop on Jobs

Identical Unemployment Numbers Good News for Obama, But All Bad under Reagan.

Networks Flip Flop on Jobs: Executive Summary

Identical Unemployment Numbers Good News for Obama, But All Bad under Reagan.

CNBC's Cramer: Blame Congress for Obama's Diminishing Popularity

'Mad Money' host insists it is Congress that is pulling president to the left, not his policies.

Al Gore's Hand in Your Pocket

Government gambles with taxpayer money it doesn't have on a car that may never sell.

Michael Moore Forces MSNBC to Address Dodd's Sweetheart Countrywide Deal

'Hardball' host Chris Matthews frets filmmaker's investigation into dealing with mortgage provider CEO will hurt Senator's reelection bid.

Bill Clinton Misses Days of 'Vast Right Wing' Conspiracies and Eager Interns

The real issue is the left has no message on major issues, so they work with media to create a smokescreen.

Rachel Maddow Blames Corporations, Lobbyist for ACORN Attacks

MSNBC host accuses Richard Berman of 'corporate-funded purportedly grassroots organizations' against ACORN, ignores proof of scandal.

Olbermann, Alter in Denial Over GOP Winning Health Care Debate

MSNBC's own 'Baghdad Bobs' tar Republicans and Olbermann asks why Sen. DeMint hates sick people.

'Early Show' Uses Woman with Rare Disease to Advocate for ObamaCare

Biased doctor cites faulty study to assert lack of insurance 'does kill people.'
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