MRC Business

Kudlow Says Pot Legalization Push is Cover for Failed Schwarzenegger Governorship

CNBC host says marijuana legalization is just a grab for revenue, not a libertarian expansion of freedom.

'Fast Money' Cast Debunks Legend of 'Dr. Doom' Roubini

CNBC trading show panel explains basing trading behavior on predictions made by left-wing media darling, NYU professor would have lost investors money.

ABC's Gibson Toes White House Line About How It Will 'Save or Create' Jobs

'World News' claims stimulus bill passed earlier this year 'will save or create one-and-a-half million jobs,' despite data showing contrary.

ABC, NBC Hype CSPI's Left-Wing Anti-Restaurant Study

Evening newscasts push Center for Science in the Public Interest study about killer salt, downplay individual responbility for food choices.

FOX: 'Lap Dances' for GM Customers?

Analysts on 'Cashin' In' debate whether GM should do whatever it takes to woo customers despite taxpayer bailout.

'Evening News' Supports Obama 'Reform,' Complains about Credit Card Fees

Segment blames banks for 'gouging' customers in times of difficult credit, plays the bailout card.

CNN's Rick Sanchez Assails Food Industry

'Conversation' host interviews former FDA chief who claims food consumers being 'manipulated;' leaves out counterargument.

Jake Tapper Critical of Obama's 'Tiny' Budget Cut Efforts

ABC's White House correspondent reminds viewers Obama mocked opponent McCain for earmark vigilance of same dollar amount.

'Nightly News' Hails Green Cars as Savior of Michigan Economy

According to NBC segment, the liberal agenda of green manufacturing will rescue American auto manufacturers.

Cavuto Rants about Obama's Vilification of Business

Fox Business anchor says administration is portraying successful businesses as bad guys, while bailing out losers.
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