MRC Business

Ecuador tries crude form of justice to steal $27 billion from Chevron

Leftist government ignores its own agreement and using bogus legal system to strive for oil settlement.

Media Deride Tax Haven 'Cheats' and 'Loopholes;' Ignore Benefits

Broadcast news portray Obama policy as increasing government revenue; MSNBC, CNN depict it as eliminating unethical behavior.

Santelli Excoriates Liesman for Acting Like Nixon, Saying 'Dumb Things'

CNBC Chicago Mercantile Floor reporter blasts network's chief economics reporter for rationalizing Fed intervention of BoA/Merrill Lynch deal and possible SEC violation.

FBN's Willard: Jail the Head of New York Fed

'Happy Hour' co-host cites former Goldman Sachs executive for profiting off of capital injections into investment bank by making the stock price go up.

Dear WSJ: Foreign Aid is Not the Answer

Free markets will lift nations out of poverty, not 'do-goodism.'

Obama Pushes 'Crackdown' on Legal Tax 'Havens'

WSJ and CNBC's Erin Burnett point out U.S. has higher corporate tax rates than other countries.

'60 Minutes' Promotes $27-Billion Leftist 'Fraud' Efforts Against Chevron

One-sided segment uses misleading footage, biased sources and omits key points to perpetrate scheme by Ecuadoran government, friend of Obama.

ABC Medical Editor Calms Down Media's Flu Coverage

Dr. Timothy Johnson tells viewers virus may not be as 'lethal' as feared; calls out overreacting media.

CNN Anchor and Guest Warn 'Pandemic' Could be Like 1918

Dr. Martin Blaser predicts 'likely scenario' like Spanish flu on 'American Morning,' but ignores calmer predictions.
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