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Rachel Maddow and WSJ Columnist Paint Tea Party Revelers as Secessionists

Thomas Frank laughs at FOX News for 'embracing' tea parties' 'lunatic fringe.'

National Media Dismiss, Disparage and Attack Tax Day Tea Parties

Three networks and CNN ignore populist storm until tax day; blast FOX and repeat left-wing claims of 'AstroTurf' in same-day coverage. MSNBC continues vulgar 'teabagging' jokes.

Olbermann Launches into Anti-Tea Party, Anti-Tax Haven, Anti-Fox Business Rant

'Countdown' host still laments Bush presidency; blasts tax havens despite sister network CNBC cheerleading them.

Newsweek's Gross Confronted on 'Teabagging' Schtick

Editor forced to defend derision of protestors on St. Louis radio.

CNN Correspondent Claims Tea Parties 'Anti-government,' 'Anti-CNN'

Susan Roesgen blasts Chicago event as pushed by 'right-wing conservative network Fox.'

When 'Hope' Changes to 'Fear'

The president himself is 'stimulating' gun demand.

FNC: D.C. Tea Party Blocked by Secret Service

FOX reports that organizers were not allowed to set up in front of Treasury Dept.

ABC: Obama 'Unaware of Tea Parties'

White House out of touch with 'cultural phenomenon' of tax day protests.

Note to Media: Just do your damn jobs and cover tea parties

Major news outlets need to be consistent and cover the national movement.
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