MRC Business

Big Government vs. Good Government

President-elect's push to delay digital TV conversion shows he lacks faith in mandates.

City of Madison, Wis. Eyes Draconian Zoning Ordinances to 'Adapt to Climate Change'

Liberal Wisconsin capital would limit development, tree removal, fast food restaurants and parking to promote 'sustainability.'

The Kidnapping of Santa Claus

A system that rewards failure cannot right itself.

Dear NY Times: Shrinking Trade Deficit is Bad News

Fewer imports mean reduced investment in the U.S. economy.

Kyoto Redux: Clinton Vows to Use Cabinet Position to Push for Climate Treaty

Secretary of State nominee and Senate Foreign Relations Chair both call global warming a 'security threat.'

Dear NY Times: Willie Sutton's Tax Plan

Bob Herbert wants a tax on financial transactions because 'that's where the money is.'

Dear NY Times: A Taxing Proposition

Herbert's plan claims a small tax on financial transactions wouldn't discourage business, so perhaps a per-word tax on writers should be adopted.

Economic Optimism at Last -- Jack Welch Sees 'First Signs of Light'

'Cavuto on Business' mentions 'encouraging signs' about the economy.

Obamanation Meets Obama-Flation

The President-Elect's job predictions increase 64 percent. Why isn't media asking questions?

Dear Washington Times: Rhetoric of 'Doom'

President-elect is following common political practice of keeping the populace 'alarmed' while talking about the need for a stimulus package.
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