MRC Business

Congresswoman Claims to Have Asked Gore About Global Warming on 19-Degree Inauguration Day

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., warns about forthcoming cap-and-trade legislation and says earth is entering into a long-term global cooling stage.

It's Winter, So That Must Be Gore Talking about 'Warming'

The left's own Punxsutawney Phil brings more hot air to a chilly Washington.

Econ 101: That Old-Time Keynesian Theory

Nobel winner Krugman advocates consumption approach, but other prize winners disagree.

FNC: Stimulus Plan is Keynesian 'Hogwash'

'Bulls & Bears' analysts say Keynesian economics failed to stimulate economy in past recessions.

Washington Post Applauds Obama's 'First Actions' on Environment

Report quotes liberal, environmental groups, ignores costs, consequences.

Dear Wash. Post: Spending and Trade Are Related

Samuelson counts the spending collapse and import reduction separately, but shouldn't.

Neil Young's Electric Car Songs Make Some Regret That 'Rust Never Sleeps'

Erratic artist about to test fan loyalty with album about eco-cars.
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