MRC Business

It's Not an Auto Bailout, It's a Union Payoff

Democratic leaders, media push for more cash to help liberal voting bloc.

Dear Post: Auto Bailout Will Lead to Economic Contraction

A bailout of GM, Ford and Chrysler would take resources away from productive companies.

Washington Post Columnist Calls for 'Big Honking' Gas Tax

Allan Sloan calls a massive federal tax a 'market' solution to energy concerns. Writer Calls Potential GM Bankruptcy 'A Suicidal Thing'

'Your $$$$$' considers the pros and cons of an auto bailout but ignores some causes of GM's near bankruptcy.

Controversial Obama Associate Ayers on Education: 'Throw Money at the Problem'

University of Chicago professor tells D.C. audience money for schools should be part of the 'Green New Deal.'

Oil Analyst Reverses Trend of High-Price Forecasts; Calls $35-40 Oil a Possibility

Cameron Hanover's Peter Beutel tells Bloomberg 'Morning Call' oil likely to fall further before bottom.

Schwarzenegger Blames Global Warming for Elongated Fire Season

California governor tells ABC's 'This Week' global warming is stretching fire season to year round.

Dear WSJ: Anti-Intellectualism on the Left and Right

Taking from the rich will enrich the poor, wage floors, politics can be 'cleansed' of special interests.

Dear Post: 'Too Big to Fail' Gets it Wrong

Failure is vital for unproductive companies, especially the big ones.

'Good Morning America' Highlights Questionable Victoria's Secret Lawsuit

ABC report omits plaintiff's history of litigation, promotes her claim that Secret Embrace bra caused illness.
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