MRC Business

Sen. Sessions Slams 'Investment Banker' Paulson

Alabama Republican says fear, time pressure being used to push GM bailout; warns against advocating George Soros-type economic policy.

ABC Hit Piece Again Mischaracterizes AIG Gathering

'Good Morning America' hidden camera caught executives 'living high on the hog' at a junket that wasn't.

CNBC's Macke Recommends Complete Takeover of General Motors

"Fast Money" panelist says if government won't allow the preferred free-market solution, it should take full federal control instead

Dear Wonk Room: No 'Right' Way to Bail Out Industry

Telling the government how to bail out the auto industry is like telling burglars the "right" way to steal.

Post's Pearlstein: Raising Taxes During Slowdown Not a Bad Thing

Pultizer Prize-winning business columnist tells MSNBC taxpayer money in government hands good for economy.

Financial Times Editor Doubts 'Ripple Effect' of GM Failure

Policymakers insist bailout for automakers necessary, but Francesco Guerrera tells CNBC it's less important than rescuing financial institutions

Bad Businesses Should Face Market Consequences

A rebuttal of AIG senior VP's claim that the federal bailout the company received was 'better' than bankruptcy.

New York Times 'Hopes' Obama is New Roosevelt

Krugman, business columnist call for 'Franklin Delano Obama' to usher in new, New Deal.

Letter to the Baltimore Sun

A commentary on the 'absurd drama' of Washington politics.
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