MRC Business

Media Exaggerate Dow Losses as 'Decades Worth of Gains'

Market closes below 10,000 for first time since October 2004, but journalists report lowest since April 1999.

Will Journalists Finally Get the Recession They Crave?

Most economists say downturn here, while Time magazine runs cover showing 'The New Hard Times.'

Media Omission: Lehman CEO Contributed Heavily to Democrats

Richard Fuld gave to Democrats over Republicans nearly 5-to-1.

NYT's Krugman Predicts 'Partial and Temporary Nationalization of Financial System'

Liberal economist tells MSNBC's Maddow bailout is a failure and predicts government takeover 'with almost 100-percent confidence.'

Financial Analyst Warns Inaction Will Lead to 'Mass Starvation'

CNN bailout clash continues between Peter Schiff and Stephen Leeb over choice 'between freedom and socialism.'

Knock Out: CNBC Confirms Lehman CEO Punched at Gym

Network verifies reports Richard Fuld was attacked for financial institution's bankruptcy.

'60 Minutes' Blames Crisis on Credit Swaps, Ignores Subprime Defaults

CBS's Kroft attacks traders, misses how overleveraging was real cause of financial turmoil.

Sen. Kerry: GOP Used Pelosi as Excuse to 'Screw the Guy on Main Street'

Former Democratic presidential nominee blasts House Republicans for blocking $700 billion bailout legislation.

CBS's 'Dangerous' Medicine Reporting Hard to Swallow

'Early Show' discusses new FDA regulations for cough medicine; excludes business perspective.

Time Cover Highlights Depression, But Story Downplays Threat

Editor Stengel talks up danger of 'New Hard Times' on MSNBC while article does not say 'Great Depression 2.0' can be prevented.
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