MRC Business

Flake's Banking Crisis Bailout Alternative: Capital-Gains Tax Holiday

Arizona congressman and earmark hawk proposes lower taxes to improve liquidity in financial markets versus blank check.

Book Review: Toxic Arguments

'Poisoned Profits: The Toxic Assault on Our Children' by Philip and Alice Shabecoff

Friedman on Bailout: Gov't Should Mandate Green Construction

New York Times columnist says ownership from $700 billion bailout of Wall Street should force environmental initiatives.

Melting, Melting ... Well, Not Exactly

Predictions of an ice-free Arctic prove to be just a lot of hot air.

CNN's 'Emergency Edition' Optimistic About America's Financial Future

CNN's Romans calls for end to 'overindulgence,' advocates personal responsibility for financial problems on 'In the Money.'

CNBC: McCain Campaign 'Over-the-Top' for Pointing Out NYT Bias

John Harwood portrays McCain strategy as a distraction stemming from 'frustration' on MSNBC's 'Countdown.'

'Nightly News:' McCain Cuts Taxes for Rich, Obama for Many

CNBC's Quintanilla gives favorable coverage to the Democratic presidential candidate, claiming McCain 'could make the federal deficit and national debt even worse.'

'World News' Cites Anti-Corporate Flicks in Banking Report

Segment includes populist angle bashing wealthy lifestyles, quotes 'Bonfire of the Vanities' and 'Wall Street.'

CNBC: Obama Says Race Might Be Factor to 'Overcome'

Democratic presidential candidate says people will ask 'Can this guy help me' achieve American dream; repeats medias Great Depression theme.
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