MRC Business

Media Research Center

Krugman: How Do I Love Spending Your Money? Let Me Count The Ways

Nobel Prize winning economist calls for increase in government spending 133 times.
Media Research Center

Columbia Journalism Prof Promotes Article Calling Israel an ‘Open-air Prison’ for Palestinians

Shihab-Eldin calls anti-Israeli propaganda piece ‘powerful.’
Media Research Center

Networks Promote Wage Hikes, Ignore Critics in 89 Percent of Stories

Even when broadcasts mention opposition, they undermine it.
Media Research Center

CNBC Host: Al Gore a ‘Charlatan,’ and a ‘Villain’

"Squawk Box’s” Joe Kernen compares Gore’s influence to Bernie Madoff or Enron CEO.
Media Research Center

Comcast Goes Further Left, Helps Fund JournoLister Ezra Klein’s $10M Startup

MSNBC parent had liberal on network 90 times in past year.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC and CBS Hype ‘Food Babe’ Attack on Subway

Food blogger is no scientist, but the networks don’t seem to mind.
Media Research Center

Mark Zandi and Others Wrong on Jobs Data

Zandi was ‘very sure’ weak December numbers would be revised significantly, but latest report only adds 1,000 jobs.
Media Research Center

Networks Completely Ignore $70 Billion Puerto Rican Debt Crisis

Instead, ABC, CBS and NBC spend more than 11 minutes on Obama’s new dog.
Media Research Center

Left-Wing, Pro-Palestinian Groups Assail Scarlett Johansson, SodaStream

BDS calls for Oxfam to drop Johansson over endorsement.
Media Research Center

$5.6 Million from Soros Aids Universities That Boycott Israel

Academic boycott ignores hypocrisy, cites Palestinian grievances.
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