MRC Business

Media Research Center

Ottoman Empire

Media Research Center

Soros' Son Says, ‘Get Money Out of Politics’ - But Helped Give $58M to Lefty Causes in 2011

Politico profiles Jonathan Soros campaign, ignores involvement in Open Society Foundation.
Media Research Center

HuffPo: Humans Deserve to be Squashed By Aliens

Liberal website recycles 2 year old video, ‘Everything Wrong With Humanity.’
Media Research Center

CBS Hypes Misleading Government Alcohol Study

Taxpayers pay for unnecessary study on alcohol-related fatalities.
Media Research Center

Media Ignore César Chávez’s Opposition to Illegal Immigration, Racial Advocacy

Despite Chávez’s actual views, liberal media, then and now, use his legacy to promote their agenda.
Media Research Center

Only on CNN

Media Research Center

17 News Companies Support FOIA Lawsuit Against Michael Mann

AP, Reuters, Washington Post and others become unlikely allies in lawsuit over access to climate scientist’s emails.
Media Research Center

When it Comes to Kochs, WaPo Picks Activism Over Accuracy

Post writers want to ‘inflame public debate,’ despite faulty facts.
Media Research Center

CNBC Host Blasts Climate Activists’ ‘Rich People Argument’

Global warming activists’ arguments are for the rich and ignore harm to the poor, according to one CNBC host. CNBC “Street Signs” co-anchor Brian Sullivan said on March 21 that climate ...
Media Research Center

Networks Shield Government from Blame for 176 Deaths During Government Motors Ownership

GM bailout could prevent some from suing over faulty ignitions, despite media’s 98 percent blackout of government bailout.
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