MRC Business

Media Research Center

‘Climate Forecasts’ Full of ‘Pseudo-Science,’ Respected Scientist Claims

Prof. Bengtsson unloads on failed models and false predictions of extreme weather.
Media Research Center

The Times' War on Women

Media Research Center

Alarmist Paul Ehrlich Predicts Need to ‘Eat the Bodies of Your Dead’

‘Population Bomb’ author calls for more abortions, accuses GOP of ‘stealing from poor’ and ‘trying to kill women.’
Media Research Center

New York Times ‘Best Evidence’ For Global Warming Melting Since 1700s

Alaska’s Muir Glacier photos used by newspaper to decry worldwide glacial melt, ignores Muir’s history.
Media Research Center

After Years of Threats, Prominent Climate Alarmists Still Seek to Jail Climate ‘Deniers’

Journalists and scientists called for ‘Nuremberg’ style trials, imprisonment, even death penalty.
Media Research Center

Meterologist Says Climate Alarmists Used ‘McCarthy’ Tactics Against Him

Networks completely Ignore Dr. Lennart Bengtsson’s complaints, while stoking climate fears.
Media Research Center

NYTimes Innovates By Interviewing … Fabio

Actor known for his long blond locks on list of more than 350 experts Times turned to for innovation memo.
Media Research Center

New Godzilla Flick Sneaks Radical Environmentalism into Flashy Special Effects

Movie portrays Godzilla as nature’s revenge against modern civilization and humans who ‘deserve it.’
Media Research Center

Abramson Firing: Did NYTimes Forget To Read Its 90 pieces On Equal Pay?

Journalism’s Gray Lady under scrutiny for dismissal of executive editor.
Media Research Center

Networks Nourished Anti-Vaccine Hysteria With 171 Stories on Debunked Autism Link

ABC, CBS and NBC kept debate alive while children died from drop in vaccinations.
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