MRC Business

Media Research Center

MRC VP Dan Gainor on 'Varney & Co.' Discusses BBC Censoring Climate Change Skeptics

Gainor: 'the left is excellent at coining really offensive terms'
Media Research Center

‘Snowpiercer:’ A Train Ride Through the Horrors of Liberal Extremism

Liberals see only ‘class warfare’ in this Korean thriller, most ignore villain’s embrace of radical left-wing views.
Media Research Center

Media Praise BBC Censorship of Climate Skeptics; Attack Dissenters

Washington Post joins liberal journalists to bash ‘anti-science fringe’ and BBC’s ‘addition to false balance.’
Media Research Center

Talking Points

Media Research Center

Lefty Media Slam ‘Parasitic’ Ridesharing Companies Like Uber

Liberal economists and websites like Alternet, attack freedom and competition in rideshare vs. taxi feud.
Media Research Center

Flashback: After 2012 NOAA Claim, CBS Warned Glaciers Could Melt in 10 Years

Accepting ‘Hottest Month’ Claim, broadcast networks used it to push global warming alarmism.
Media Research Center

DHS Flunks Citizenship Test Question: '15 Stars and Stripes' on U.S. Flag

Government press release on naturalization ceremony flubs basic fact.
Media Research Center

Media Hype ‘Risky Business’ Climate Campaign, Forget Their Past Attacks on Former Treasury Secretary

As Henry Paulson unites with Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer to warn about climate change, news outlets repeat their conclusions.
Media Research Center

CBS Tries To Spin ‘Nasty’ GDP Data; ABC, NBC Ignore -2.9 Percent Drop

Despite dramatic economic downgrade, ‘Evening News’ gives little more than a minute to GDP.
Media Research Center

Leaked Lib Megadonor Doc: 'Fundamentally Change Our Current Political System'

62-page briefing book details $374 million in spending during midterm election cycle.
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