MRC Business

Media Research Center

Obama and Showtime Admit to Exploiting Extreme Weather Events to ‘Shift’ Public Opinion

President laughs as Times’ Friedman looks forward to storm ‘big enough to end the debate.’
Media Research Center

85 Percent of Network Coverage of EPA Regulations Ignore Economic Impact

New EPA coal regulations could kill half a million jobs and cost more than $1 trillion, but ABC, CBS and NBC praise them as 'ground-breaking' step for combating climate change.
Media Research Center

ABC Revives Soros-Funded Attacks on Johns Hopkins and Coal Companies

‘World News’ brought back a 2013 report alleging a conspiracy between coal companies and respected medical experts.
Media Research Center

Networks Blame Wildfires, Droughts on Climate Change, Despite Fact They’ve Declined

ABC, CBS and NBC blame carbon emissions but scientific and historical evidence show they’re wrong.
Media Research Center

Major Newspaper Editorials Ignore or Praise EPA Controls 90 Percent of Time

9 prominent newspapers failed to even address the important new EPA regulations, only two opposed them.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Ignore GDP Plummet, Again

CBS the only network to report dismal GDP announcements from April and May. 
Media Research Center

Politico Spins Education Debate, Underestimates Grassroots Opposition

Despite more than 15,000 comments criticizing new regulations, Politico reported only 1,500 as part of anti-industry attack.
Media Research Center

(Another) Summer of Recovery

Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Financial Times’ Criticism of Piketty 'Errors'

An investigation finds far-left economist’s work ‘flawed,’ but ABC, CBS, NBC skip criticism of inequality ‘rock star.’
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