MRC Business

Media Research Center

Showtime’s New Climate Documentary Barely Looks at Science

‘Years of Living Dangerously’ has no discussion of scientific data on climate 95 percent of the time.
Media Research Center

Networks Declare ‘Victory’ for Obamacare Enrollment; Ignore Questions 90 Percent of Time

ABC, CBS and NBC finally report on health insurance plan only to push administration’s alleged numbers success.
Media Research Center

The Picture of Success

Media Research Center

NBC Documentary Ignores Skeptics, Insists ‘97 Percent’ Agree on Climate Change

Ann Curry links ‘extremes’ cold, heat, drought, fire and more to global warming in spite of scientists who disagree.
Media Research Center

CNBC, Bloomberg Businessweek, WaPo Claim Too Many Jobs is Bad for Economy

Media report a problem that doesn’t exist according to Heritage Foundation economist.
Media Research Center

USA Today Echoes Occupy Wall Street

Paper uses high CEO wages to argue workers aren’t getting paid enough.
Media Research Center

Kudlow Blames Weak Recovery on ObamaCare’s ‘Incredible Uncertainty’

CNBC economist dismisses predictions of 2014 ‘surge.’
Media Research Center

Univision Partners with Liberal UN Foundation on Climate Issues

Hispanic media company leans left with ‘groundbreaking initiative’ to increase awareness.
Media Research Center

98 Percent of Networks Jobs Stories Ignore High Black Unemployment

Despite bipartisan outrage, NBC gives just 10 seconds to jobs crisis while ABC, CBS remain silent.
Media Research Center

Santelli: On Obamacare, Climate Change, Media too Quick to Accept Facts are ‘Settled’

‘I don’t care how many people visit a website,’ CNBC contributor says.
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