
Balance Too Taxing for Mainstream Media

When they need tax information, America's top news sources often turn left.

Surprise: Liberal Columnist Kristof Acknowledges Media Bias

"But on the social issues - gun control, abortion, gay marriage, religion - I'm not sure we're that even-handed....Journalists move easily in the world of business Republicans, less easily in the ...

CNN Provides 'Election Edition' Exception to Media's Pro-Obama Coverage

'Your $$$$$' co-hosts go out of their way in attempt to balance air time for Democrat and Republican analysts.

CNBC: Obama Win 'Great' for Limbaugh, Hannity; Future Questionable for Olbermann, Maddow

Co-hosts of 'Squawk Box' discuss the future of 'incendiary' cable shows.

Network News's High-Tech Lynching of Sarah Palin

ABC, NBC and CBS news shows ran 69 stories about the GOP vice-presidential nominee in two weeks. Only 2 stories were positive.

CNN's King: 'Whining' Media 'Out of Touch' on Election Coverage

Network's chief political correspondent says media's 'obsession' with Clinton prevented thorough investigation of Obama.

Lax Bond Rating Standards: 'It Could Be Structured By Cows and We Would Rate It'

Evidence shows instant message between two Standard & Poor's employees with no regard for risk.

CNBC Host: Financial Distress Caused by Government, Not Markets

Caruso-Cabrera blames ratings agency 'oligopoly' for turmoil, proposes free-market solution.

Media Drink Obama's 8 Years Old Kool-Aid

Rather than investigate the candidate's relationship with William Ayers, establishment media are just repeating the campaign's talking points.

Media Ignore Obama's Radical Abortion Record

The Democratic presidential candidate has voted to protect partial birth abortion, and to deny care to infants who survive botched abortion attempts.
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