
Cramer Defends Doom-and-Gloom 'Today' Remarks

An irate 'Mad Money' host calls advice to take cash out of market 'prudence.'

CNBC Anchors Question 'Crap' Added to Senate Bailout Bill

'The Call' co-host Melissa Francis finds appropriate term for 'tax extenders' added to Senate bailout legislation.

Cramer Calls for a Global Bailout of AIG, Blames European Banks

CNBC host says Bush needs to 'pass the hat' to other nations to salvage 'fate of the western banks.'

CNN's 'Emergency Edition' Optimistic About America's Financial Future

CNN's Romans calls for end to 'overindulgence,' advocates personal responsibility for financial problems on 'In the Money.'

The Times Misses the Lovable Loser McCain

Adam Nagourney, hypersensitive to attacks on Democrats: "...most notable are the dizzying cascade of attacks on Mr. Obama, who seems to have come to consume Mr. McCain..."

CNBC Analysts: Wall Street Bailouts Mean 'Socialism,' 'Communists'

'Mad Money' host Cramer says government has engaged in Marxist philosophies after AIG bailout.

Bartiromo Blasts Regulatory Environment During Banking Crisis

CNBC 'Closing Bell' co-host says 'bureaucratic' regulations that would treat private-equity firms like a bank prevent needed investment.

Schieffer: McCain Campaign 'Demeaning to Women' Because No Palin Press Conferences

CBS 'Face the Nation' anchor and presidential debate moderator criticizes evolution of blogs and their effect on media business, citing Palin pregnancy rumors.

CNBC's Harwood: Banking Crisis Helps Democrats

Washington correspondent tells viewers banking events put focus on economy and 'not lipstick on a pig or the whole range of culture issues.'

CNBC Reporters Draw 'Scary' Comparisons between Lehman, Bear Stearns

Journalists compare 'incredibly responsible' reporting of 'feckless' Bear Sterns with 'feckless' Lehman Brothers.
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