Bozell's Column

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, L. Brent Bozell III runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Established in 1987, the MRC has made “media bias” a household term, tracking it and printing the compiled evidence daily. Mr. Bozell is a nationally syndicated writer to more than 50 newspapers around the country, whose work appears in publications such as Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The L.A. Times and National Review.
Media Research Center

Losing Patience With the Pope

Despite the winning ways of the new pope, the secular liberal nastiness of the press still bubbled up in demands for more "tolerance" and women's liberation.
Media Research Center

'No Holds Barred' Obama Questions?

Laugh at ABC when they suggest George Stephanopoulos will have a "no holds barred" interview with Barack Obama. What would tough questions look like?
Media Research Center

Mourning 'Populist' Hugo Chavez

To our left-wing media, at death, Chile's right-wing despot Pinochet “cheated the hangman,” while left-wing despot Hugo Chavez resembled Jesus Christ.
Media Research Center

ABC's Porn Pinup for Teenage Girls

Sometimes it’s hard to measure the distance between the supposedly establishment, respectable press and the seediest corners of hardcore pornography. Take "James Deen."
Media Research Center

Spare the Hype of 'Budget Armageddon'

Armageddon! Asteroids headed for Earth! Put another quarter in the panic jukebox. Obama's willing press enablers put sequester hype into heavy rotation.
Media Research Center

"Dialogue" Required for Violent Video Games

After Newtown, politicians like Obama have singled out the gun makers and gone soft on their entertainment-industry campaign donors.
Media Research Center

The Media's Republican Latinophobia

Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz take a pounding from liberal journalists. The kid-gloves treatment of Sen. Robert Menendez suggests they should see the green grass on other side.
Media Research Center

HBO Hates Popes, Loves Kennedys

This is the big picture of morally upside-down HBO: Pope Benedict is portrayed as a vicious crook, but Ted Kennedy and his brothers are secular saints.
Media Research Center

Conservatism, Killing the GOP?

The liberal media insist conservative "core principles" will cause the Republicans to "cease to be a national party." They're really seeking to remove all obstacles for Obama.
Media Research Center

Doubling Down on Anti-Gun News

An MRC study of the very slanted network news coverage after Newtown shows their O word isn't "objective." It's "opportunistic."
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