Bozell's Column

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, L. Brent Bozell III runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Established in 1987, the MRC has made “media bias” a household term, tracking it and printing the compiled evidence daily. Mr. Bozell is a nationally syndicated writer to more than 50 newspapers around the country, whose work appears in publications such as Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The L.A. Times and National Review.
Media Research Center

David Gregory's Props and Pomposity

Empty ammo magazines are less threatening than mosquitoes, but they're illegal in DC. Liberals like David Gregory do subscribe to this kind of idiotic law -- for everyone else."
Media Research Center

The Obama Culture Arrives

The slogan for Team Obama in 2012 was "Forward." There's nothing forward about the Obama culture, however. It is down, down, straight down, into the abyss.
Media Research Center

State-Run Broadcasting Pushes for Higher Taxes

Boehner has given the media an opening to tear the GOP in two. On the one side there are the reasonable moderates who recognize the need to increase revenue; on the other are the troglodytes ...
Media Research Center

Tilting the Newtown 'Conversation'

Ours is a society imploding under an avalanche of violent video games, music, TV, and movies. Surely, a serious “national conversation’ should go there -- but not on the TV network news.
Media Research Center

The Year of 'Our Savior' Obama

The media's year in quotations can be summed up like this:Barack Obama is our savior, and Mitt Romney is happy with blacks drowning. Got it?
Media Research Center

Merry Christmas, America-Haters?

TNT and Barack Obama have no qualms putting on a "Christmas in Washington" show starring a South Korean rapper that wished slow, brutal deaths on the parents and daughters of America's soldiers.
Media Research Center

Not Enough Liberal Bias In Loony Land

Angry liberals think that somehow the liberal media missed the "Biggest Story" of 2012: that lunatic-fringe conservatives are destroying the Republican Party.
Media Research Center

The Polluted Oscar Documentary Pool

"2016" was the top-grossing documentary of 2012 -- and the fourth most-successful documentary of all time. Leftist Oscar voters couldn't stand it.
Media Research Center

The Costas Anti-Gun Lecture Series

NBC's Bob Costas lectured at halftime that NFL players shouldn't have handguns. Can’t they please let us watch football, and not their self-implosion?
Media Research Center

Madison Avenue's Moral Madness

Remember when advertisers insisted you had to be a positive role model to endorse their product on TV? Now it's the opposite.
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