Bozell's Column

Founder and President of the Media Research Center, L. Brent Bozell III runs the largest media watchdog organization in America. Established in 1987, the MRC has made “media bias” a household term, tracking it and printing the compiled evidence daily. Mr. Bozell is a nationally syndicated writer to more than 50 newspapers around the country, whose work appears in publications such as Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The New York Post, The L.A. Times and National Review.

Newsweek, Still Devolving

The Washington Post Co. unloaded Newsweek for its market value: a $1 sale. They found a liberal owner who would maintain the disastrous liberal status quo.

Oliver Stone's Foot in Mouth Disease

When Oliver Stone addresses Adolf Hitler, he wants to "broaden" his reputation. He's a "Frankenstein," but U.S. and other corporations were the "Dr. Frankenstein." He's never met a truth he ...

JournoList Erodes Media Prestige

Liberal journalists in this crowd discredit the media, since they favor only discourse that "serves the people" -- meaning, a "debate" that advances the ball for socialism. Any other uncooperative ...

Hollywood Shocked as Family Films Flourish

It happens over and over again. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out. Nobody needs a graphing calculator. And still the "executives" are shocked when family films are the top-grossing films.

The NAACP Cries Racism

Trying to stay relevant in the era of a black president, the NAACP is now carrying water for the Obama political machine, finding racism in the Tea Party movement.

Judges Find Dignity in Profanity

Federal appeals court judges in Manhattan shredded the FCC's lamely enforced rules against broadcast indecency. Profanity was somehow associated with "the most important and universal themes in ...

Obama the Gipper?

As the Left melts down, they lament that Obama is no socialist. In "fact," he's more conservative than Ronald Reagan.

Art in America

Bravo's reality show "Work of Art" demonstrates our popular culture is thoroughly rotten.

Kagan's Comedy Is News?

TV coverage of Elena Kagan's confirmation hearings was sparse, skipping the rough-and-tumble discussions with Republicans on hot-buttion issues like abortion. Instead, they hailed Kagan's ...

Oliver's Ugly America

Oliver Stone so adores Hugo Chavez he can't see the obvious: he couldn't make his crude president-bashing films in Hugo's Venezuela. Why doesn't Hollywood recognize the liberty America grants them?
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